2020 is HERE!!!

Happy New Year!! Happy New Decade!!! 2020 is here bringing a new outlook and new ideas. It’s been a minute since I have blogged and I have to be honest that was due to a few complicated situations going on in my life. On a happy note, I celebrated my 20th anniversary with my hubby on our first international flight to Jamaica.

My book was published on Thanksgiving, November 28th.

But in the midst of all the wonderful things that happened, I had some harsh realities stare me in the face. I wish I could pretend to be blind sided by it but the truth is I wasn’t. The harsh reality I had to face was stop looking at people through rose colored glasses. It gets me in the most trouble. When you look at people through rose colored glasses you miss who they really are and usually get hurt. When people show you who they are believe them-Maya Angelo. It’s my favorite quote by her because it has always reigned true in my life. You can’t make a person be someone their not, no matter how bad you want to love them. It could be your mother, father, spouse, friend, or child. Don’t do it. You will be disappointment every time. I have learned you have to love a person for who they are and it’s ok to move around if who they are doesn’t fit with who you are.

I contemplated even continuing this blog because my relationships with people have been tested at every angle in these past few months. But I realized I’m pretending to have all the answers to this relationship thing just a few insights and key points. But I will be redesigning my blog to focus more on my writing. I will be posting short stories from time to time and my book information. I will continue with my relationship blogs and I hope you all will read and share. 2020 will be an amazing year and uncomplicated.

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