The Audacity of Me

Such a funny title for my first blog huh? Well, it has been in development for some time. Hi, I’m Jocelyn Robinson aka Sunshyne Regal and this is my first blog. Ever! I felt the need to post that for you sticklers out there who will judge every word. Please cut me some slack. LOL. Anyway, let me introduce myself. I am 41, a mother of six and I have been a wife for twenty years come this November. I am also an entrepreneur. I own my own skin care line called Sunshyne’s Body Naturals. And I am a first-time author. My book will be coming out hopefully on September 17th, which will be the 25th anniversary of the first time my husband and I met. So I guess you can say relationships are my thing. I’m not an expert but I have been in one my whole life. I think I’ve learned a thing or two. But this blog isn’t JUST about romantic relationships, it’s about all different types of relationships. Friendships, parent/child relationships, work relationships and so on. I think it is important to explore all relationships because they all help shape the people we turn out to be. Although my blog is about relationships in general, I like to be transparent and use my own life to illustrate different situations. I think this way you as the reader will get know me and get some real-life insight instead of some cookie cutter information.

Anyway, let’s get to the Audacity of me. Well, this title started out as the Audacity of People. I have been talking about this for many, many years. Every time I came across a situation that I felt the nerve of someone, I would add it to my list. And over the years that list has gotten long. It wasn’t until I decided to step out and create a blog, that I realized that it wasn’t people’s who had audacity it was me. As I matured I realized that the real problem was me. For years I have had this reoccurring problem believing that people would treat me the way I’ve treated them. WRONG! It took me all these years to understand you can’t expect “YOU” from people. It’s bittersweet because I wish I had known this years ago. I wouldn’t put so much effort into relationships/friendships that I knew weren’t working long before they ended. I’ve spent my life “people pleasing”. As far back as I can remember, I always wanted people to like me. I just realized that’s not a bad thing. As humans, we crave other human’s contact. We are supposed to want it. We are supposed to want family, friends and significant others. It’s part of our purpose. It turns bad when we allow that need to help us make bad choices. Pleasing people who are only in your life for the value you add never adding anything themselves.  We need to know when its time to lovingly let someone go.

I can honestly say letting people go has always been a problem for me. I hate hurting folks feelings. But I’m learning that sometimes it’s necessary for your own peace of mind. And at the end of the day, that is what truly matters. It’s apart of our self-love/care process. We have to learn that the most important relationship we have is with ourselves. We must hold ourselves accountable for the things we allow to happen in our lives. Bad relationships are not always the other person’s fault. There is one other person involved in that relationship and it’s me. A person can only do what I allow them to do. Most times we ignore the red flags people wave around until it’s too late. Then we play the blame game. And I am no exception. As I stated before this blog will be as honest as I can be about the roles I play in relationships and advice on how to avoid the outcome.

I will also post excerpts of my upcoming book and the relationships the main characters share between each other.

I would like to thank you all for joining me on this journey…#itscomplicated.

5 thoughts on “The Audacity of Me”

  1. This is wonderful , cleansing and the best therapy ever! I’m so very proud of you sweetie! You’re a better woman than I’ll ever be and that let’s me know I did something right! I love you more than I can hold in my heart ❤️!

    1. Never!!! I could have never been the woman I am if it wasn’t for you???

  2. You are so right. I learned I had to let go and not hold so tight to people who don’t have a care in how they are treating you. It took my daughter having a third seizure to realize that I needed to cut a family member out of my families life so we can live in peace. For a long time I tried to hold our family together, but I have come to realize, it is ok if we fall apart. The ones who truly care will be there, because they were always there from the beginning.

  3. This was absolutely nothing short of amazing! Some of the exact principles taught in RYC and I can’t wait to read more! Congratulations on your first blog!

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